This video presentation is a feature length satire. It took me a little over two years to complete
(2004-2006). I consider this project my "film school" days, since I wrote, directed, shot, and edited the movie, which, I would add is quite a bit of work... It is a comedy that mostly lampoons the self importance of those bent on the creation of "art'. The movie starts with a group of wanna-be Hollywood directors in a coffee shop arguing the virtues of Tim Burton's movie Planet of the Apes verses the original '68 movie of the same name. Upon bumping heads on the subject one of these silly characters comes up with the idea of hiring a video crew to shoot a behind the scenes look at the mounting of a play about Adolph Hitler's reported love affair with Ernst Rohm... The story follows the foolish meanderings of Matt Jackson on his awkward quest to perfect his performance of Hitler - a horror! Driven to stupidity, Jackson loses his car. he loses his girl, he loses his sense of humor, and, perhaps, his life. This movie is two hours in length (admittedly, that will take a very special attention span), and, it is potentially offensive (F-bombs have been bleeped, but, there is a scene where an actor - who, apparently, is a closet Nazi - badgers a director at a coffee shop). This project was a lot of fun... I would like to think that this movie verges on true "Art"., but., then, if I actually believed that, I would be as pompous as the characters presented in this story. Enjoy.