Optics are amazing... I'm always baffled at what a difference the lens makes. The shot with the cherry in one of two martini glasses with a third glass in the background was shot on a variable zoom lens and the focal length allows for a longer field of vision when compared to the shot below - fixed 50mm lens - a very tight field of vision. Also, each lens allows for a difference in the amount of light into the camera. I'd like to believe this all confounds me, but, rather it is a simple fixation with the relationship of things viewed through these contrived devices... I merely make this note as a courtesy to those who have been kind enough to patronize my less-than-photographic genius, as, unfortunately, time dictates that I conclude with my Aesthetically Incorrect Photography series. Yes, it is no doubt a striking blow in the face of almost true art, yet, keep in mind, it is as they say, all good things must come to an end. Besides, I'm officially in production on my somewhat new film project (making rough looking bed legs for cheap motel scenes and driving to distant Mojave desert locations will be taking up much of my time. Oh, and of course begging favors from everyone I know so I can complete this project... And hopefully, somehow, still have time for my lovely family.).
A portion of the aforementioned Aesthetically Incorrect Photography series can be seen at http://johnreneaud.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-pursuit-of-better-framing-brings.html