Sunday, August 16, 2015

Southwest Hui Ohana 2015.

What a great time I had attending the Southwest Hui Ohana 2015, hosted at Burbank Danzan Dojo.  It was a very exciting day long event which included classes taught by several Southern California school heads.  I also received instruction from 9th degree master Professor Robert Hudson.  I would add that my attendance at the Burbank Dojo under the guidance of Sensei Kimo Williams has garnered me health benefits (I'm gaining flexibility along with better balance to name a few), it has helped me to develop a better sense of physical intuition, and, it has increased my ability to focus.  

Burbank Danzan Dojo offers training in Hawaiian-Style Jujitsu and Pacific-Asian healing methods.

"The purpose of training in this type of system is to not only gain extensive personal defense skills but to also enable each of us to live a more empowered life through greater health and self-awareness. For the real fight, the real challenge, already exists inside each of us" -- Sensei Kimo

Burbank Danzan Dojo has been a great place for me...

  For Dojo Information

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