Saturday, November 7, 2015

Larry Pennell and Robin Lee Noll

Here's a still shot from a short film I worked on some years back titled 5 Minutes.   It was lovely working with Rob & Robin Noll, the creators of this project. It is also fun that the tall actor in the blue shirt, the convict in this project, was Larry Pennell - AKA Dash Riprock from the Beverly Hillbillies.  Mr. Pennell was a rather accomplished Hollywood actor, and in some ways he was a bit of a mentor to me.  I used to facilitate sessions at an actor's workshop that he attended and after some time I got to know him.  (We also ended up in the same theatre company for a short while, and we were both cast in a film titled Forgiven.)  He had this amazing big voice and charisma, fantastic stories from Hollywood's past, along with a baseball monologue that almost everyone who worked at the showcase could recite while imitating Larry's wonderful, warm performance of the piece.  Mr. Pennell passed away in 2013.  He was an exceedingly charming fellow.  I miss bumping into him around town.