Monday, October 7, 2019

Okay. I'm going to try and write a bit more often. Today I have jotted some thoughts for your consumption. Wow, this is a really long title.

Hi all.  How lovely that you have decided to come back to this page and check up on the things that I am doing.  I will be adding this blog into my section at  (as creator of the company, my name is right there in the menu.  So I have a section all to myself.) . I guess I'm working at making it all (life, my life) feel somewhat relevant - albeit, I understand the American contemporary might not consider any of my insight to hold relevance, however - I've lived, I've seen, I've felt, I've thought, I've (from time to time) mini-conquered the world... only, perhaps, I think, or, I thought when I started writhing this entry, that, folks might like some of the ways I've wobbled into the consideration of the things which have surrounded me in life.  I have slightly changed my view on what I will post here.  Mostly, it will be about the things that have me engaged in "being out there" in the world.  Maybe an upcoming show, or, a video project, a new business venture, or, maybe I'll attempt to unjumble some of my thoughts right here before your eyes, or, perhaps, perhaps it will be a video I have been involved with, or, maybe some simple audio, an interview, or song, or, even, perhaps, just some cleverly strewn written words.  I'm not sure.  Regardless,  I hope to keep it a bit more to the personal/reveling regarding things dropped here.  If it turns big, perhaps it will shift to a subscription thing for your indulgence at  Again, not sure where I'm headed with this.  I will however, endeavor to maintain a sense of humor, to be fearless with truth, and not shy from any heaviness I may choose enter here.  I believe we have swayed from seeking clarity, I still maintain that objectivity exists as long as it is a thing we choose to pursue, and, I hope to cook-up small portions of my Zenjo for the any discriminating, curious, palate that might enjoy flavorful food-thought that is neither baked, boiled, or stewed (to quote Oliver)!  I would quickly add (to better convey my strange, fractured cooking/words analogy), I am no chef, often, I prepare beans with beaten/broken pots and pans on a weathered stove which often needs a match light due to auto ignition failures.


➤ I confess, I praise Individualism* - for I am delighted in being one (an individual, that is), and, also, I think every person should strive to be one too!

➤ I think I broke my thumb yesterday working a Kempo striking technique.  My punch sucked, the black-belt blocking my punch had a really good defense, and his form was solid.

➤ I can't remember the third thing I was going to share with you.

➤ I'm working on a really interesting song right now.  It is my first attempt at writing with my band's new guitarist, Mr. Kurt McDonald.  It's a kind of Brian Eno, funk, rock, opera, thing...  Scratch vocals have been laid down, I have some secondary vocals to add with a female singer, then, boom!  I plan on adding the song to the second Dresden Cowboy album titled Detroit Strange, which, is half complete.

*(for those who do not know the meaning of the word) . Individualism = the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant.  Or, a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective, or, state control. ) .  I support both these definitions.


  1. Wow. That was really thoughtful John. We love that you share.

    1. Yes, thoughtful perhaps, but, I don't have a clue what the heck the dude is trying to tell us???!
