Tuesday, May 9, 2017

My ugly passport photo jazzed up with a bit of color...

Why do photos on passports and state ID cards always resemble a DUI mug shot?  One would think that by applying a bit of finesse that these photos might take on a bit of color...  Yes, I stopped by city hall today and filed for a passport with the proper authorities.  I declared my citizenship, that, of the planet Earth, paid my hundred and ten dollars, plus a thirty seven dollar processing fee to the city, so that, need be, I can legally leave America.  My wish is that foreign travel (which includes Canada along with Arizona) will be related to work, however, upon the inevitable, the Blue/Red apocalypse - hell, what am I thinking!  Once that happens we're all screwed.  Yet, I ponder.  Why do photos on passports and state ID cars always look so terrible? 

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