Saturday, November 10, 2018


Umm...  I'm just living it all from the ground up.  Thinkin' that a person is suppose to be true to who they are.  Which in my own case is mostly "Entertainer, Exploiter of Imagination, Truth Bender, Misfit, Sometime Superhero, Video Producer, Radio Voice, Bard, Singer, Actor, and mostly Knucklehead."  I've been in company of kings, queens, losers, and paupers, and have adored every moment.  I'm thinking of starting a radio thing (which, I already have several) where I just talk to the people in my life.  Since I happen to think I have been surrounded by the most interesting humans on the planet, I'm thinking a sit down talk with them as a radio thing would be very cool.  In my dream I would start with Freddie.  He's a 95 year old gentleman who has experienced an uncommon Forest Gump like existence (minus the ping pong match) and is/would be happy to share it with all.  I will keep you posted.

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