Friday, November 16, 2018

Vasquez Rocks, Diabetes symposium, and a sound booth w/ my kid.

The last couple days have been artistically very fulfilling.  Two days ago I was on stage at a Diabetes symposium for Kaiser as John Blake performing in an amazing interactive with noted Doctor Ray Nanda for a large crowd of health care professionals in Anaheim, California.  That performance involved a fat pad and a two hour drive covering all of the thirty some miles from Burbank to the city of Disney.  It was a joy to be there and our efforts appear to have been well received by those in attendance.  Yesterday I spent the day at the Los Angeles County park Vasquez Rocks.  A, sort of, mystical place all of its own, I had the pure fun of performing a nameless Norman Bates sycophant character, killing baby rattlesnakes and invoking the spirit of Hitchcock for director (and amazing guitar player) David Wilchcombe.  Oh, and last weekend my son Julien, his friend Aaron (and I) built the shell of a 4' x 4' sound booth so Julien can better record the rap artists in his crew.  All that, along with singing blues with Marty and Elayne at the Dresden the last two nights - wow!  Right?  Good times in L.A.,.

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