Wednesday, October 21, 2020

As of October 21, 2020 I am retiring this blog.  Information about things I'm busy with can be found at,,, theElectricShamans, + on the internet a large.  Thank you to anyone who is interested in my activities in life.  Best to you fellow travelers.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Incorporated back w/ a new look...

I have not seen this movie in many years, the director has reworked it, so, when I watch it tonight I will see the character I played as a whole new movie adventure. I am grateful to Ken Guertin, the director/producer of the movie, for bringing this renewed version to Amazon. Your ticket has been bought just hit the link : Agency Incorporated the movie

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Floyd MacIntire on Pluto Radio ...

Looks like we're adding FLOYD MACINTIRE to the broadcast line-up at Pluto Radio. I'm excited about that... Floyd and Sly Rye (from Metal Byrds fame) have already been adding cool comic promos to the station . Time to let Pluto Radio grow into something more.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Hollywood Monday Night Show

Thank you to everyone who made it out to my Hollywood show Monday night.  It was a beautiful crowd of people to spend the evening with.  The band was great (Kurt McDonald, Dominic Martinez, Andrew Orozco) as well!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Dresden Cowboy's Last Stand

After the first of the year I will be preforming live shows with my new band THE ELECTRIC SHAMANS featuring : Kurt McDonald (guitar), Jeffrey Howell (keyboards), Dominic Martinez (bass), Andrew Orozco (drums), Jesse Goddard (vocals)...

Friday, November 15, 2019

My next live music performance Dec 2nd in Hollywood

I will be performing at the Dresden on Monday, December 2nd with my band of fine fellows... We go up at 9pm and the show will feature the recent changes in the band, for it is a new vibe - due to the departure of Moan Red and Anthony Bernal, and the introduction show of Mr. Kurt McDonald on guitar. I have also added keyboard player Jeffrey Howell, however, he is currently out on tour with another band and will not make this Dresden performance. I look forward to playing out with, Andrew Orozco, Dominic Martinez, and Kurt McDonald for this show. More information on my band and bandmates can be found at, or . Anyone who comes out and supports me in this endeavor will truly be appreciated! We will be posting this as an event here on social media sometime tomorrow. Regardless, if you would like to be put on the guest list just let me know." - John 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Veterans Day...

"I wrote this song as a protest of sorts (anti-corporate/government control and collectivism), it is fitting that two gentlemen who served in war on our behalf shared their talents in the music video. Thank you John DiFusco and Nutso Geez for everything!" - John Reneaud . 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Jesse Goddard sings on 16 Flowers

Lucky for me, I had the great fortune to record with Ms. Jesse Goddard today. Jesse helped me out by lending her fantastic vocal talents to a new song I'm working on written by Kurt McDonald and myself - a song titled 16 Flowers. I will begin shooting video for this song, as well as another, in the next couple weeks. Thank you Jesse! You sound lovely,. It really makes a difference in the song.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Larry Penell, lessons in acting.

Ended up watching an old television show called Tombstone Territory late last night.  There was an interesting character who was returning to town after a 5 year prison stint - some bad guys kidnapped his wife in an attempt to force him to gun down the sheriff of the town in exchange for her safe return.  And, the ex-gunman returning after his prison time was my lovely buddy Mr. Larry Penell.  Larry's most remembered for his role of Dash Riprock on the Beverly Hillbillies, but, I met him at an actor's showcase in Studio City a couple years after moving to Los Angeles.  He was a great man who I will always remember as having looked out for me (he tried to get me work as an actor) and, he shared some of his amazing Hollywood experiences with me.  All this to say it was very cool to see him do such an amazing job with his character even before I knew him, hell, even before I was born.  I miss seeing him around town.  He passed away in 2013 at the age of 85.  He was a most impressive fellow - and his character in Tombstone Territory was completely bad ass!  My best sir.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Happy to be working the music with Kurt...

I had a great rehearsal session with guitar-man Kurt McDonald today. We worked the live song set a bit, then, moved onto details for the completion of our first collective song together, titled 16 Flowers. The song's mostly done, and, it is slated to be added onto the 10 song Dresden Cowboy II album - Detroit Strange (which should be completed sometime in January).  We're scheduled to have our first full rehearsal with Andrew (drums) and Dominic (bass) on the 21st, and we expect to have performance dates in November and December.  I will keep all fans posted of those events.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Okay. I'm going to try and write a bit more often. Today I have jotted some thoughts for your consumption. Wow, this is a really long title.

Hi all.  How lovely that you have decided to come back to this page and check up on the things that I am doing.  I will be adding this blog into my section at  (as creator of the company, my name is right there in the menu.  So I have a section all to myself.) . I guess I'm working at making it all (life, my life) feel somewhat relevant - albeit, I understand the American contemporary might not consider any of my insight to hold relevance, however - I've lived, I've seen, I've felt, I've thought, I've (from time to time) mini-conquered the world... only, perhaps, I think, or, I thought when I started writhing this entry, that, folks might like some of the ways I've wobbled into the consideration of the things which have surrounded me in life.  I have slightly changed my view on what I will post here.  Mostly, it will be about the things that have me engaged in "being out there" in the world.  Maybe an upcoming show, or, a video project, a new business venture, or, maybe I'll attempt to unjumble some of my thoughts right here before your eyes, or, perhaps, perhaps it will be a video I have been involved with, or, maybe some simple audio, an interview, or song, or, even, perhaps, just some cleverly strewn written words.  I'm not sure.  Regardless,  I hope to keep it a bit more to the personal/reveling regarding things dropped here.  If it turns big, perhaps it will shift to a subscription thing for your indulgence at  Again, not sure where I'm headed with this.  I will however, endeavor to maintain a sense of humor, to be fearless with truth, and not shy from any heaviness I may choose enter here.  I believe we have swayed from seeking clarity, I still maintain that objectivity exists as long as it is a thing we choose to pursue, and, I hope to cook-up small portions of my Zenjo for the any discriminating, curious, palate that might enjoy flavorful food-thought that is neither baked, boiled, or stewed (to quote Oliver)!  I would quickly add (to better convey my strange, fractured cooking/words analogy), I am no chef, often, I prepare beans with beaten/broken pots and pans on a weathered stove which often needs a match light due to auto ignition failures.


➤ I confess, I praise Individualism* - for I am delighted in being one (an individual, that is), and, also, I think every person should strive to be one too!

➤ I think I broke my thumb yesterday working a Kempo striking technique.  My punch sucked, the black-belt blocking my punch had a really good defense, and his form was solid.

➤ I can't remember the third thing I was going to share with you.

➤ I'm working on a really interesting song right now.  It is my first attempt at writing with my band's new guitarist, Mr. Kurt McDonald.  It's a kind of Brian Eno, funk, rock, opera, thing...  Scratch vocals have been laid down, I have some secondary vocals to add with a female singer, then, boom!  I plan on adding the song to the second Dresden Cowboy album titled Detroit Strange, which, is half complete.

*(for those who do not know the meaning of the word) . Individualism = the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant.  Or, a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective, or, state control. ) .  I support both these definitions.

Rafael's day with TMRC - video version

Finally got the video version of this one up at the CEF.  Lively fun stuff between Rafael and myself.  Hope you will patronize our effort.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Drummer/Musician and Podcast Dude!

This is pretty cool for me... Many have figured out that I play a rather involved role at both LeeCrismanRadio (currently off the air) as well as Pluto Radio for my weird-space uncle Lee Crisman.  Well, Andrew Orozco, who happens to play drums w/ the Dresden Cowboy, as well as any to come bands that I sing with, and, it just so happens he also does a brilliant podcast.  Well, we are trying to line it up for Andrew to do shows on, and, so, I guess, this is just my happy announcement of adding him into the mix.  He's a really interesting guy to listen to, I hope you will support us at both TomorrowMan, and theCEF.

My best!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Welcome Kurt McDonald to the Band

John Reneaud Music welcomes Kurt McDonald to the band.  Kurt will perform as the band's lead guitar/guitar player.  We expect to have new performance dates for late October, early November.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Seeking Guitar Player the The Dresden Cowboy Band

Trying this musician's service BandMix...  Moan Red and Anthony Bernal have not renewed their contract with John Reneaud Music: AKA the Dresden Cowboy.  I hope to find an amazing player, I will also be adding a keyboard player to the band - and, first of the year I will be re-branding my musical endeavor - all for the better!

Anyone can see my BandMix page at the following.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

My version of Kick in the Head

As many of you know, I sing three nights a week with world famous Marty and Elayne at the Dresden in Hollywood.  As a homage to them I sometimes post songs referred to as American standards...  This is one of those songs.  I post them exclusively on a YouTube channel titled Drinking with Walter.

It's fun to sing these songs, and, truthfully, working around Marty and Elayne is were I got my first appreciation for them.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Call

The following blurb is the official CEF promo of what's going on with this project... "Richard Dally (as Dylan) contemplates his impending demise in Laurence Moore's production of his digital short film titled, The Call. is assisting Mr. Moore's development of this project."  The thing is, my friend Laurence has a brilliant eye for film and story telling, however, he does not have the means to create the vision he holds in his head, therefore, I have extended whatever skill and tools I possess on behalf of this effort.  The call is a well written short film about a young fellow having to face his own mortality.  Basically, I'm shooting the project and assisting in the production of this one.  I have really enjoyed working with Rich and Laurence on this.  And, over the next month, or two, I expect we have two more days of shooting.

As always... I will keep you posted with the outcome.  And you can always check in with what's going on at the home for all my projects at

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Near and Dear...

This one's near and dear to me... My son has been producing music for the past several years produced his first live EDM (sort of EDM, mostly EDM) show at Los Globos in Silverlake CA!

Here's some video that I shot at the event - cut into a compelling montage of all the performances.

You can see more video work like this at my place -


Monday, July 29, 2019

TMRC with Rafael Noble'

Soundcloud version of my show...  Rafael's one of the most insightful cats on the planet!  I'd say this is a good listen, but, my ego tells me everything I do is at least a good listen!


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Fantastic Dresden Cowboy show in Hollywood...

Regarding the Dresden 07-15 show.  "Thank you to Moan Red, Anthony Bernal, Dominic Martinez, and, Andrew Orozco (the band), and to everyone who showed up to support us last night. It was a fantastic, almost mystical experience (and, I might add, a great debut of my motorcycle pants). My best to all. And thank you to Mark @ the Dresden for supporting live music..."  -  John Reneaud

Monday, July 1, 2019

TMRC with Birgitta Baker, a very cool friend and fellow traveller on the planet

You can go to the link included in this post for more information regarding this show, hosted by John Reneaud, or, you can go to our Soundcloud page.


Sunday, June 30, 2019

Thursday, June 13, 2019

John Reneaud AKA the Dresden Cowboy performs in Hollywood

"I will be singing with my band of caballeros at the Dresden in Hollywood on Monday, July 15th - rock, blues, Americana, alternative, you know, soul satisfying music, live, electric, supersonic, so leave your cell phones at home (or just in your pockets) and come down for drinks and a socially non-relevant spiritual uplifting from yours truly. Come on out and grow the love of retrospective and contemporary groove! I will be posting the official details early next week. Also, I can get free tickets for anyone... Thank you Mark Ferraro for promoting live music every Monday night at the Dresden."  - John Reneaud (a.k.a., the Dresden Cowboy) .

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Shooting Bliss w/ John DiFusco

Shooting video for Bliss, the next single from the Dresden Cowboy... This video features the acting talents of Mr. John DiFusco. The song features Moan Red on guitar, Dominic Martinez on bass, and Andrew Orozco on drums.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

John Reneaud with his band @ the Dresden in Hollywood.

Moan Red, Anthony Bernal, Dominic Martinez, Andrew Orozco, and John Reneaud return as the Dresden Cowboy Band at the Dresden May 13th at `10pm in the lounge,

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

TMRC w/ amazing musician and Hollywood character David Grossman

John Reneaud hosts a podcast titled The Mobile Radio Carnival.  Here's the latest installation.  You can link over the to find more information about this show, or, you can go direct to the audio host of the podcast at


Monday, April 15, 2019

Working with John DiFusco, again...

I shot an independent movie with Mr. DiFusco back in the nineties.  Today we started work on a new music video for my Dresden Cowboy catalogue.  We took a break at Tio's Tacos in Riverside.

Monday, March 18, 2019

TMRC 00005


One of my favorite fellow humans... talking with my son, Julien. Episode 00005.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Priest, a Rabbi, and a Nun...

Worked with Ken Fischman yesterday in the pilot production of his show titled A Priest, a Rabbi, and a Nun...  I played Soloman car salesman looking for absolution for lusting after a nun.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Birthday Party...

What fun, I got to perform with Marty & Elayne at a private birthday party for Danielle Haim at the Dresden last night.  Danielle's sister Este sat in on bass for a couple songs, and her father performed on drums...  It was a cool musical crowd, and it was lovely to perform for them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Dominic Martinez on bass...

Had an fantastic session today with bassist Dominic Martinez finalizing my upcoming song titled BLISS.  Have to shoot the video, but, expect to post this new song next month. 

(This song also features guitar from Moan Red and drummer Andrew Orozco on drums.)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Psycho Norman's 1st Cousin Once Removed

Psycho Norman's 1st Cousin Once Removed.  This edgy film, written and directed by David Wilchcombe, with music by Moan Red, features the acting talents of John Reneaud and is set for an internet release by the end of January.

Monday, January 28, 2019

TMRC Episode 00002: Fred Kawano

Fred Kawano was one of the first teachers to teach African American Studies, he also helped to create the school lunch program, he was placed in Tule Lake internment camp during WWII. Fred is now 93 years of age and sits down with me to chat about life. He's really a very interesting fellow.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Norman Bate's 1st Cousin Once Removed

I look forward to seeing this... It's a rather edgy short film I got to do for director David Wilchcombe, A fun character study featuring music from one of my favorite guitar players, and, perhaps, it's loaded with a bit of contemporary social commentary. I've been told it will be available for public consumption - "Coming soon" @

Monday, January 21, 2019

The Mobile Radio Carnival episode 00001

The first episode of THE MOBILE RADIO CARNIVAL.  This show features musician, poet, and kind human Anthony Bernal.  Brought to you via

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

And a new year begins...

Spent the midnight hour of New Year's Eve singing a set with Marty and Elayne @ the Dresden.  Full house, great time had by all.

Launching a new website for my media company - theCEF.World

Also re-vamping an old radio show for contemporary podcasts...  I will be hosting The Cosmic Egg Farm, which, boasts as a tagline: Insight for/from common types.  Fun, and sometimes, not so fun, banter from the common world.

Happy New Year!  I will keep you posted.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Thomas Trapp - a friend in need...

Thomas Trapp has been a positive influence in my life. He has generously helped me in my endeavors without asking for anything in return. He is not afraid to be part of solutions... He involves himself in the world and props others up before himself. He is a good guy who is reaching out with a genuine request. If you can find the time to read who he is on this GoFundMe page, and can spare some extra dollars, you just might keep one of the good ones going. Oh, and, anyone in the Dallas/Plano area, if you need a handyman, please give him a call, he's looking for work.     Buy Thomas a PickAxe!

Monday, December 10, 2018


(what the Dresden Cowboy was up to today) - Recorded drum tracks with Andrew Orozco today for next up on the Detroit Strange Album.  The song is titled Bliss, and, along with Andrew's drum work, it features guitar from Moan Red.  Video currently in the works.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Monday in L.A... The radio show.

My friend Silvia sent me a photo she took of me interviewing Fred Kawano for my upcoming radio show titled Monday in L.A.,.  I met Freddie at the Dresden, he's been a patron there for over thirty years, he is 95 years old and has quite a story to tell...  I expect to start posting this new show (produced by my production company, the CEF) later in December.  Thanks for the photo Silvia!


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

IMDB bio:

So here's my new IMDB bio: "John was born and raised in Troy, Michigan, just north of Detroit. He excelled at baseball and football, and sometimes at getting to know the girls, not actually a full blown jock, yet, comfortable in that realm of competition. He also excelled at knowing people. He kind'a sucked at school, due to an inability to focus on the important things, but, as already mentioned, he was really good at knowing people. He and his good friend Anita use to buy cheap white wine, burn a bit of weed, and, show up at parties together to entertain others and such. They'd sing songs and stuff. Eventually, after meandering relentlessly for several years after High School (and after reading a ton of Spanish and Greek plays), John took up with an acting academy in the Detroit area - he'd stumbled through a career in radio, then, played out in rock, and, new wave bands, then, made his way back to that "acting thing". Experimenting with the acting, John ended up performing in many realms, black box, children's theater, dinner theater, independent film, ect... Eventually, he made his way to Hollywood where he continues to work at the craft of acting and entertaining. He has directed, and done other stuff too. He likes to think that he is an uncommon genius best understood by common types. He, mostly, loves the planet and would possibly like to be famous." We'll see if they publish what I wrote.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Bernadine. (featuring Cody Melville on guitar)

This song, Bernadine, is one of the first songs I ever recorded back in my Detroit rock 'n roll days. This new version features Cody Melville on guitar. It will be included in an upcoming Dresden Cowboy release titled Detroit Strange. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Cry Me a River: Americana Classic!

Okay. So yes. Another stop by that after hours bar out here in LA - the Tiny Closet. Another sloppy drink night with the house drink (the Walter Mitty). Another bout of Karoake! This time I spewed out the classic, CRY ME A RIVER. Just click on the pretty girl below to hear the song. Enjoy.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Voice Reel

(A friend requested my voice reel... something about possibly getting me some work.)

Friday, November 16, 2018

Vasquez Rocks, Diabetes symposium, and a sound booth w/ my kid.

The last couple days have been artistically very fulfilling.  Two days ago I was on stage at a Diabetes symposium for Kaiser as John Blake performing in an amazing interactive with noted Doctor Ray Nanda for a large crowd of health care professionals in Anaheim, California.  That performance involved a fat pad and a two hour drive covering all of the thirty some miles from Burbank to the city of Disney.  It was a joy to be there and our efforts appear to have been well received by those in attendance.  Yesterday I spent the day at the Los Angeles County park Vasquez Rocks.  A, sort of, mystical place all of its own, I had the pure fun of performing a nameless Norman Bates sycophant character, killing baby rattlesnakes and invoking the spirit of Hitchcock for director (and amazing guitar player) David Wilchcombe.  Oh, and last weekend my son Julien, his friend Aaron (and I) built the shell of a 4' x 4' sound booth so Julien can better record the rap artists in his crew.  All that, along with singing blues with Marty and Elayne at the Dresden the last two nights - wow!  Right?  Good times in L.A.,.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Live and let live was the most powerful statement I heard old people say when I was a kid. Just sayin'.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


Umm...  I'm just living it all from the ground up.  Thinkin' that a person is suppose to be true to who they are.  Which in my own case is mostly "Entertainer, Exploiter of Imagination, Truth Bender, Misfit, Sometime Superhero, Video Producer, Radio Voice, Bard, Singer, Actor, and mostly Knucklehead."  I've been in company of kings, queens, losers, and paupers, and have adored every moment.  I'm thinking of starting a radio thing (which, I already have several) where I just talk to the people in my life.  Since I happen to think I have been surrounded by the most interesting humans on the planet, I'm thinking a sit down talk with them as a radio thing would be very cool.  In my dream I would start with Freddie.  He's a 95 year old gentleman who has experienced an uncommon Forest Gump like existence (minus the ping pong match) and is/would be happy to share it with all.  I will keep you posted.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Cole Porter's Night and Day

Found myself, yet again, at my favorite after hours club last night (The Tiny Closet) w/ drink of choice - the Mighty Walter Mitty. Eventually, I made my way over to the karaoke machine... Cole Porter's Night and Day just kind'a spilled out. (Used some beautiful footage from Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, here in Southern California.) Click the video below. Enjoy. Oh, a commercial might pop up, the proceeds go to the copyright holder of the music which, is not me.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Bernadine, via the Dresden Cowboy!

Really. Finally. Close to the end of my music video for my old school song Bernadine. Freakin' Cody Melville ripped up some amazing guitar parts for this song. I just have one over the shoulder shot on a phone text to perform then we're done. It should be a post you'll see on the Dresden Cowboy page in several days. God bless my fans!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Fly Me to the Moon

So, I don’t typically make it two times in the same month, but, I went out to my after hours club a couple nights ago (The Tiny Closet) and the bartender mixed my usual libation - the Mighty Walter Mitty. I promptly poured that tantalizing beverage straight down my parched gullet, then, stammered over to the bandstand and slapped the karaoke machine on the back. Here is a recording of what spilled out of my mouth at that time. (I used space video on this one, people, and things floating just seemed right.) Just click the video below. Enjoy. Oh, a commercial might pop up on this one, the proceeds go to the copyright holder of the music, which, is not me.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

That's Life!

As mentioned previously... From time to time I venture out to an after hours club known as The Tiny Closet here in LA. The bartender mixes me a deep glass of the house drink called the Mighty Walter Mitty, which, I promptly totter down, then, wobble up to the bandstand to assist the karaoke machine with my introspective jazz vocal style. Here is a recording of one of those quixotic adventures. (I used bowling video for this one, which, I feel is an appropriate analogy for life.) Just click on the video below. Enjoy. Oh, a commercial might pop up on this one, the proceeds go to the copyright holder of the music, which, is not me - but, as they say, That's Life!